I know Barack Obama is no liberal, despite what the Republicans say, but I thought he would do more to avoid offending the left-wing of the party - especially in the area of civil rights. Based on recent events, it appears he is willing and able. His Administration is supporting DADT and DOMA these days - both in the media and in federal court. I must admit, I'm disgusted!
WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING? Not only am I offended by the fact they keep firing gay and lesbian soldiers (when they have the option to slow enforcement prior to legal action), but I am most horrified by their defense of DADT and DOMA in federal court against honorable Americans. I realize he never supported gay marraige during his campaign, but I thought he would - at least - get rid of DADT and DOMA - or get the hell out of the way maybe. I'm beginning to wish I voted for Hillary!
The worst part is how his Administration is using the worst, most specious arguments of the Bush Administration to defend DOMA. They are doing a very good job of trashing every gay and lesbian in this country right now, and nobody in the Administration seems to care one wit! The whole thing STINKS! It makes me extremely angry at President Obama, as well as that IDIOT AG Eric Holder!
Incredibly, Holder claims to lack the time to push any issues we Democrats care about- Don Siegelman, Karl Rove Subpoenas, Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights, and Bush law-breaking - while having time to defend DADT, DOMA, as well as killing the case against former Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens for prosecutorial misconduct and other minor crap. Once again, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING?
I don't give a damn if the Obama administration sees itself as responsible for enforcing the law, and that it doesn't support gay marraige, but why are they trying to piss off every civil rights-loving Democrat in the nation?!
There are ways to enforce laws that DO NOT OFFEND entire groups of law-abiding, often persecuted, decent Americans. It's outrageous that Obama promised to help gays and lesbians find equal rights, but once elected (with their money and help) turns his back on their anguish and pain, while dishonorably trashing those serving their country or those seeking marraige equality. It's despicable to watch.
He even promised them swift action once elected. I don't know, but instead of helping gays and lesbians, it seems he's giving them the finger.
I for one join Rachel Maddow questioning whether he's even serious about fulfilling those promises. Like Chairman/Governor/Doctor Dean said on The Rachel Maddow Show, Obama better do something soon, or else! It's beginning to stink! Obama can do a great deal without squandering any significant political capital, so it's now time for him to get creative.
Tuesday's Political Rant - Michael
Btw, the symbol shown is the logo for the Human Right's Campaign, where you can read their Open Letter to the President responding to recent Administration actions. I encourage everyone to please Take Action to support this issue! We all need to let the Administration know that we're angry about their recent actions!
I and many others argued during the primaries that we could not trust Obama, that he didn't have a clear track record of sticking up for liberal principles. With Hillary, at least we would have known more clearly what we were getting.
Rick Warren at the inauguration was a warning (one of many), and now there's this. The man has done some good things, but he's too interested in making nice with conservatives to be reliable.
I kind of agree Infidel, but I think Hillary would have had other issues (Clinton Admin. issues that bugged me). Then again, who the hell knows. You guys may have been right all along.
I only hope Obama takes action soon to prove that he cares about issues we care about - at least get Holder to get off his fat ass. A viable public health option and action on gay and lesbian civil rights would be a great way to use some of that political capital.
To quote that old adage "Rome wasn't built in a day". And yes, Obama's positions on a myriad of issues has been a bit disappointing to date.
However, and there always is a however, lets cut the dude and his administration some slack.
Just rolling back the most egregious Bush executive orders will probably take another 6 months or so. And I really thought before the election that that might take 20 years or so...so not to bad here.
As to the economy, yes there does seem to be an aspect of the foxes still guarding the henhouse, but at the end of the day we've probably got more Government intervention/control than any time since FDR. And again remember it has taken us almost 30 years to "f" the economy up so well....so lets give them a few more months to get "the trains running on time again" so to speak.
On foreign policy, as I've said before, I sleep much better now than anytime in the past 8 years. So that must be progress.
Perhaps the gravest issue facing all Americans is that of overhauling our health care system and if you watch closely you can see how subtlety Obama has been shifting the debate to where a "Public Option" which seemed to be off the table is now looking more and more like it will happen.
Before I address the one area that I really think the Obama team has been remiss on let me address one other liberal bugaboo - use the majorities that the voters gave the Democrats in congress and damn the torpedos/Republicans.
I know that's what the Republicans did once they had the White House and congress, but I'm not sure it's the smart play. Again there is some wisdom in not using power just because you have it.
The area that I'm most disappointed in to date, of course is the Gay stuff (obviously). And the Justice Department hasn't improved my mood one bit to date.
If by the end of the year no progress has been made on DADT or DOMA, and several other pieces of legislation than I'm going to have to reassess my support of Obama. I hope and pray we don't have another Carter in the White House - an anti-Semitic homophobe if there ever was one.
So before I run out of ink, let me just advise a bit more patience. You may be right and I may need a reality check sooner than I'd like. But I'm going to, as they say in my neck of the woods - pray on it a little longer - and hope for a really new America.
As always,
best - Jon
Notice to GR: Your attempted post broke rules #2 and #8. Be more civilized and try again if you wish. MB
One need only try to imagine what we would all think if it were the black civil rights movement in the 1960s that were being told to wait (and wait and wait) because the Democratic party of the day had more important priorities.
Indeed, I seem to recall Dr. King having some choice words for those who told him and his supporters to "be patient".
There is no point in having power if one doesn't use it to achieve objectives. This was always about an agenda, not a person or a party.
I'm glad you're staying positive Jon (some of us need to be), but I'm starting to see too much delay - despite poll numbers showing American support for such action. I'm especially concerned after the recent DADT and DOMA debacles - BIG RED FLAGS!!!
I'm getting very nervous that he has no intention of helping gays and lesbians - except in token ways like that pathetic announcement today, which could have happened in the first week of his presidency. I hope I'm wrong.
Infidel, you may be right about Obama. He sadly could be to the right (or at least overly-compromising) on many of our MOST CRITICAL issues. If it turns out to be true, I will feel very cheated, not to mention horribly disappointed. I would also work hard to defeat him in the future, since we Americans don't like bait-and-switch politics.
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